Cara Setting g-mail di MS.Outlook Express -
1. Login ke account gmail uhuk="">
To configure your client manually:
Apakah Anda Sudah mempunyai account di g-mail?
Kalau sudah dan anda bingung untuk melakukan setting pop mail anda: ini cara singkatnya:
dan apabila anda belum punya account anda bisa minta kepada temen-teman anda yg sudah punya account di g-mail, karena account g-mail ini bisa dibuat hanya via invinitive atau di hubungkan oleh orang yg sudah punya account di g-mail tersebut.
Apabila anda tidak punya teman yg hem...bisa di minta invinitive anda bisa mengirimkan e-mail anda ke saya:
subject: Invinitive Dong g-mailnya??he...
Cara Seting POP3 Mail dari G-Mail via MS. Outlook Express
1. Login ke account gmail uhuk="">
2. Klik "Settings" (sudut kanan atas)
3. Pindah ke Tab "Forwarding and POP"
4. Pilih "Disable forwarding" 5. Pilih "Enable POP for all mail"
6. Pilih : When messages are accessed with POP : "Trash Gmail's copy"
7. Save Changes.
Settingan manual POP3 & SMTP Gmail
Settingan manual POP3 & SMTP Gmail
To configure your client manually:
1. Open Outlook or Outlook Express.
2. Click the 'Tools' menu, and select 'Accounts...'
3. Click 'Add,' and then click 'Mail...'
4. Enter your name in the 'Display name:' field, and click 'Next.'
5. Enter your full Gmail email address ( uhuk=""> in the 'Email address:' field, and click 'Next.'
6. Enter '' in the 'Incoming mail (POP3, IMAP or HTTP) server:' field. Enter '' in the 'Outgoing mail (SMTP) server:' field.
7. Click 'Next.'
8. Enter your Gmail username (including uhuk="mailto:">'') in the 'Account name:' field. Enter your Gmail password in the 'Password:' field, and click 'Next.'
9. Click 'Finish.'
10. Highlight '' under 'Account,' and click 'Properties.'
11. Click the 'Advanced' tab.
12. Check the box next to 'This server requires a secure connection (SSL)' under 'Outgoing Mail (SMTP).'
13. Enter '465' in the 'Outgoing mail (SMTP):' field.
14. Check the box next to 'This server requires a secure connection (SSL)' under 'Incoming mail (POP3).' The port will change to 995. *The order of 'Outgoing' and 'Incoming' mail server fields varies by version. Make sure you enter the correct information in each field.
15. Click the 'Servers' tab, and check the box next to 'My server requires authentication.'
16. Click 'OK.'
Finish??? Mudah bukan??
Selamat Mencoba Frend?
Mr. Dhe Dhay
Congratulations! You're done configuring your client to send and retrieve Gmail messages.
Congratulations! You're done configuring your client to send and retrieve Gmail messages.
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